Soil Data
of Africa
Continent-wide soil data and soil information relevant for sustainable intensification of agriculture in Africa. Read more
Continent-wide soil data and soil information relevant for sustainable intensification of agriculture in Africa. Read more
Our access point to the georeferenced soil point data collected by the Soils4Africa project across Africa’s agricultural land. Here you can download the point dataset and explore various statistical summaries of this dataset.
Note that the recommended scale of application is from national to continental level. Use of the data at sub-national and in particular field-level is not encouraged.
Explore continental-level geospatial datasets relevant for agricultural and environmental development in Africa. Enter the catalogue here or use the search box below to find geospatial data layers.
Browse datasets by type, category or spatial scope.
This documentation section contains SIS technical and user manuals, other reports produced by the Soil4Africa project such as on the sampling design and the ‘Map of Agricultural Land’ as well as documents produced by third parties such as the Soil Atlas of Africa.
The procedures section holds guides and standard operating procedures developed by the Soils4Africa project for the collection and analysis of soil samples from across the continent in a consistent and standardized way.
The Soils4Africa project produced video guides to soil sampling, taking field observation, sample preparation and shipment and use of the ‘Survey Data Management Tool’. Video guides are available in three languages: English, Arabic and French.
Visit the Tech Corner to access the Soils4Africa code repository and various tools to support visualization of MIR spectral data.
This soil information system provides access continent-wide soil data and information and other data relevant for sustainable intensification of agriculture in Africa. These data were systematically collected and catalogued by the Soils4Africa project and provide a baseline for monitoring the soil status of Africa’s agricultural land.
The aim of the Soils4Africa project was to provide an open-access soil information system with a set of key indicators and underpinning data, accompanied with a methodology for repeated soil monitoring across the African continent. For detailed methodologies and standard operation procedures, please visit the documentation page.
This system is part of the knowledge and information platform of the AU-EU Partnership on Food Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA).
This soil information system was developed under the Soils4Africa project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research & innovation programme under grant agreement No. 862900.
Whereas every effort has been made to ensure the quality of the Soils4Africa data, the Soils4Africa consortium does not give any warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of the Soils4Africa data, nor that it is error free or of a satisfactory quality or appears precisely as described in any documentation related to the data. All other such warranties are expressly disclaimed.
The Soils4Africa consortium disclaims all warranties relating to the data, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranty against infringement of third parties property rights, of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
The Soils4Africa consortium will not be liable for any loss of use, lost data, interruption of business or incidental, special, exemplary, consequential damages of any kind, even if the Soils4Africa consortium has been advised, knew or should have known of the possibility of such damages.
The soil point data collected by the Soils4Africa project is released under the terms and conditions as specified by the data licence agreement. By downloading and using the Soils4Africa point data you agree to the terms and conditions as specified in this agreement.
Other soil datasets provided by this soil information system through the data catalogue come with their own licences that are specified in the metadata descriptions.
Please note that this website is still under construction. Functionality of the soil information system is limited.
We expect to release this soil information system of Africa, developed under the EU-funded 'Soils4Africa' project, by 31 May 2025.